Pokeball Catch.png


This guide explains how to set up the Pokeball capture effect using your OBS scenes and sources with Streamer.bot. It will walk you through configuring the required filters, global variables, and how to trigger the animation in your stream.

1. Overview

The Pokeball capture effect moves a source from an off-screen position to a target source on your OBS scene, mimicking a Pokeball throwing and capture animation. If the capture is successful, the target source will temporarily disappear. If unsuccessful, the target source remains visible.

This effect is fully customizable through the provided GUI in Streamer.bot.

2. Required Elements

Before setting up the effect, ensure you have the following:

3. GUI Form Setup

The setup is done through a custom GUI form in Streamer.bot. When you run the script, the form will prompt you to enter the following details:
